Press release and invitation: ‘A Moment in Song’: exhibition to open in London on 23 November

Press release and invitation: ‘A Moment in Song’: exhibition to open in London on 23 November

Largest ever exhibition of paintings of the Chinese Song dynasty (10th-12th century) in Europe

London, 17 November 2022 – On 23 November 2022, an exhibition titled ‘A Moment in Song’ featuring a selection of 100 Song dynasty paintings will open in London. It is the first time that such a sizeable collection of replicas of Song dynasty paintings is exhibited in one location in Europe. The Song dynasty is widely considered China’s Golden Age, with Chinese literature, philosophy, science and aesthetics flourishing. The superbly elegant paintings also reflect the humanism and philosophy of this period (960-1279). The exhibition is organised and curated by Zhejiang University, and for good reason: Zhejiang is one of several Chinese provinces where the cultural heritage of the Song dynasty has been beautifully preserved, among others with a theme park, which is a popular tourist attraction. China lovers can visit the exhibition on 24 and 25 November in Asia House in London. During the opening event, Mark Logan, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Li Liyan, Minister-Counsellor for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom; Mick Davies, President of the Royal Society of British Artists; and Piet Steel, Chairman of the Europe – Asia Center will all give a brief speech.

About the exhibition

The exhibition “A Moment in Song” highlights the rich culture of Zheijang and the magnificent legacy of Song dynasty paintings. The exhibition, which is subtitled ‘Great series of Ancient Chinese paintings’, gives European audiences an opportunity to become acquainted with this imperial dynasty. The Song dynasty is recognised as the peak of Chinese aesthetics and the equivalent of the European Renaissance, with Song painting being one of the most important cultural manifestations of this imperial dynasty. In addition to showcasing the superb techniques used by artists, the paintings also reflect the humanist philosophy that flourished under the Song dynasty.

The selection of 100 paintings from the Song dynasty period (960–1279) is characterised by three types of motifs: the living conditions and rituals of the era, animals and vegetation, and landscape. The landscape paintings in particular provide a contrasting view on the landscape of Zhejiang in the 10th century with the monumental image of West Lake in spring.

A variety of display methods will be used, combining spatial arrangements with corresponding displays, to highlight the formal beauty of Song paintings with movement.

Because the original works are so valuable and they are preserved in several different museums, Zhejiang University has been tasked with overseeing the preparation and launch of an exhibition using replicas. This is the first time that such a sizeable selection of Song dynasty works is exhibited in Europe.


Selected highlights

Please refer to the website of the EU-Asia Center for more information about the exhibition:


We hope that you will join us for the inauguration of the exhibition ‘A moment in Song’ and the opening event, titled ‘Special exhibition of Song Dynasty paintings in the UK’, which will take place on 23 November 2023, from 5 pm until 8 pm, at Asia House, 63, New Cavendish Street, London (UK). During the official part of the event, Mark Logan, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Li Liyan, Minister-Counsellor for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom; Mick Davies, President of the Royal Society of British Artists; and Piet Steel, Chairman of the Europe – Asia Center will all give a brief speech. This will be followed by the official opening of the exhibition and an opening reception. Please confirm your attendance by email to before 18 November.

Pictures from the opening night, november 23rd 2022:


Nele De Klerck Account Manager, Wavemakers PR & Communication
PR_SongDynastyExhibition_London_17112022.pdf 429 KB




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